I am currently, sitting, procrastinating. In my thoughts. I want to sleep, or listen to music, relax and think--- But I should be writing a paper...figured I may as well wright, right? People fasinate me. life fasicnates me actually. Man... I'm so in the mood to sit in the dark and talk, like old times, untill we force eachother to go to sleep. I feel poetic--- but I've never seemed to capture a poem while typing. It's one of those-- pen in hand type things. So instead of that I'll ramble. ramble about:
Relationships. All my close female friends have boyfriends. I guess it's the cool thing to do. But I'm... yeah. no. singles probably a good thing for me right now. Even though I really like this guy. Alot. and I would love to be with him... I really would. But he's my friend and he's all wrong for me. I need to stay focused.
Relationships. All my close female friends have boyfriends. I guess it's the cool thing to do. But I'm... yeah. no. singles probably a good thing for me right now. Even though I really like this guy. Alot. and I would love to be with him... I really would. But he's my friend and he's all wrong for me. I need to stay focused.
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